Sunday, May 8, 2011

Oscar Villarreal and His Tree Planting Team

Ouina Routledge and Oscar Villarreal

Tree Planting

Tree Planting

More Tree Planters

The Entire Tre Planting Team

Gabby, Jordon, Anna, Rigo, Gilbert, Dr. MacDonald

The Tree Planting

Gilbert Rios: Earth Day Tree Planting

Theron Francis: Earth Day Tree Planting

Dr. MacDonald

Ouina Routledge: Earth Day Tree Planting

Jordan: Earth Day Tree Planting

Anna, Jon, Areli and Gabby: Earth Day PR

Anna, Jon, Areli & Gabby and the Earth Day Bracelet Project

Jose, Jocelyn C, Melissa, Sergio, Jocelyn L., Esmer and Yesenia